Foundations 19 – Infrastructure Space
How does Infrastructure Space affect the building materials industry?
“We have to invest at least twice as much money in infrastructure during the next 15 years as has been invested during all of human history. Is the industry ready for this?” Rolf Soiron, Member of the International Committee of the Red Cross; Chairman of the Board of the LafargeHolcim Foundation
“We underestimate the network and the knowledge of the construction industry.” Maria Atkinson AM, Founding CEO of the Green Building Council of Australia; member of the Board of the LafargeHolcim Foundation
“The questions should be asked by the real world, meaning particularly the construction industry, because they have problems to solve and solutions to find for their clients.” Marilyne Andersen, Dean of the School of Architecture and Environmental Engineering at the EPFL Lausanne; member of the Board of the LafargeHolcim Foundation
“We all know that we’re surrounded by infrastructure: but do we? Does industry make the intellectual, economic, or political space for infrastruc- ture to continue to provide a positive impact in our lives?” Reed Kroloff, Immediate Past Director of the Cranbrook Academy of Art; Conference Chair of the LafargeHolcim Forum 2016
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